We understand that at times it may be necessary to evaluate a prospective purchase more thoroughly before committing to it. This evaluation may take the form of confirming measurements, checking with a contractor or spouse about installation logistics, applicable codes or aesthetic concerns. In the meantime, this reasonable, due-diligence legwork may lead to the unhappy circumstance of losing out to another interested party. What to do? No worries. Housewerks has long-held a "first refusal" policy to ensure that no item on a first refusal "hold" is sold without an attempt to contact you. We are happy to call/text/email any and all contact points you have left us. We are not, however, happy to lose a sale. Therefore, if we are able to reach you, you will be asked to make an immediate decision or else forfeit your "rights" to the artifact in question. If we are unable to make contact and have not heard back from you by telephone or email within 5 minutes, the piece can be sold at our sole discretion. Sometimes the best way to determine the viability of a potential purchase is to take it for a test drive. Many, but not all of the items in our inventory may be taken to your space to see if you really want it. You will be required to purchase or return the item(s) within 3 days unless other arrangements have been made. It goes without saying that the items are your responsibility once they leave our warehouse and you will be on the financial hook if they are damaged or lost. Artifacts will be photographed for reference for our mutual protection and a deposit for the full retail amount may be requested.